
Recruitment is a function of human resource management, which involves advertising, finding and bringing onboard not only a qualified candidate but also the best for the vacant position in the shortest time and affordable way possible. Recruitment involves searching for prospective candidates by encouraging multiple applications from various potential job seekers.

The recruitment process is a cycle that starts when a company identifies needs to employ talent and ends when the potential candidate is brought on board to fill the vacancy. The main purpose of conducting recruitment is to find a candidate who makes a good fit and perfectly qualified to fill the vacant position and will help the company or organization to achieve the set goals.

Why Should Companies Conduct a Comprehensive and Effective Recruitment Process?

Hiring managers or employers should ensure that their recruitment process is comprehensive for the following reasons.

  • To save time

Managing an effective recruitment process saves the organization a lot of time. Unlike the traditional hiring process, which involved a lengthy and tedious application process with all possible practical tests, hiring managers currently leverage customized recruitment processes that use a tracking application system. The system is not only personalized, but it also gives the applicants a positive experience when undergoing the recruitment process.

The system makes it possible for hiring managers and applicants to complete their assigned tasks in the process whilst remaining focused on other crucial things. Apart from this, using a tracking application system enables hiring managers to avoid bottlenecks that can lead to bad hires. Therefore, the tracking system not only saves on time but also saves the company from the cost of making bad hires.

  • To improve performance

The majority of applicants proactively looking for new employment opportunities are often scared of being fired from their current positions due to poor performance. However, with a thorough recruitment process, you can easily spot specific details and the fine prints in applicants’ details that characterize their job performance.

Besides, if you have a skillful interview panel, you can leverage the interview process to get specific traits that expose the candidates’ strengths, drawbacks and areas that require improvement. This will greatly help in predicting the candidates’ potential productivity once employed.

  • To hire promising employees

Making good use of a comprehensive recruitment process enables hiring managers to hire candidates who have a good work history that reflects their performance, consistency and progressive career growth. Such promising employees will likely perform better due to their enthusiasm and commitment to work. An in-depth recruitment process enables companies to evaluate every candidates’ commitment levels, efficiency and enthusiasm to work.

  • For proactive recruitment

A perfect recruitment process should show the various gaps in the organization’s recruitment team. This will enable the team to take a proactive approach when preparing for the next hiring process. Through this, employers can refine their strategies for better quality hires. To elicit this, while in the process of recruitment, the team should identify specific areas in the process that influence and interest potential hires. This will reveal the weak areas of the recruitment process.

The Recruitment Process in Detail
Photo Credit: talocity.ai

Contrary to what many people believe, the hiring process doesn’t begin when hiring managers or employers post a job description. The recruitment process starts way before this. Before starting this process, a company or organization should first identify the need to have a talent, or vacancy and evaluate if there is an imminent need to fill the position. To do , hiring managers have to answer some vital questions such as; will the organization suffer or fail to perform if the position is not filled? Is there an immediate need of having someone take over the vacant position? If both questions have affirmative answers, the recruitment process then begins.

That said, below is an outline of the recruitment process.

1.Conducting a Job Analysis

Hiring managers agree with the fact that creating a job description is key to a successful and effective hiring process. So to say, formulating a job description is the main step when beginning the recruitment process. In this first stage, hiring managers should;

2. Develop a job description

During the job analysis stage, hiring managers identify the activities of the job and the attributes of candidates who should fill it. These are the two main components of a job description. Note that the job description will be used to advertise for the vacant position and source applications. Therefore, this step should be done with utmost caution. A nicely developed job description should include the following;

  • General information about the job position and title
  • Roles of the successful candidate
  • Importance of the position to the company or organization
  • Basic qualifications or minimum requirements to be eligible

Bearing this in mind, hiring managers should have the following checklist when crafting a job description.

  • Company name and a brief history
  • Department
  • Industry pay
  • Core values
  • Benefits offered
  • Advantageous qualities for job applicants
  • Conversational call to actions
3. Review of the Job description

It is of much essence to review the job description to ensure maximum accuracy after creating it. This will help hiring managers assess if the description is outdated or up to date. In situations where the job description had already been formulated, reviewing enables employers to check their current applicability and accuracy based on the prevailing status quo. Reviewing job description has the following benefits;

  • Improves the organization structure – reviewing job description is an effective way to create a company audit. This is because employers and hiring managers can identify redundant jobs with shared or overlapping responsibilities and eliminate those that are no longer required.
  • Determine wages and compensations – in some situations, an employee working on a certain position may be under-compensated without the knowledge of the management. This is a common cause of dissatisfaction and poor performance. However, with regular review of job descriptions, hiring managers and employers can identify such situations. Employers can assess whether certain job positions are paid corresponding wages depending on the skills and competencies required.
  • Evaluate competencies – working conditions and requirements evolve, just as job positions do. This probably explains why job positions and descriptions change. With this, there is a possibility that a specific position will require new competencies, unlike before. Therefore, new job descriptions will have to factor in the new competencies, which definitely has an impact on the organizational structure in overall.
  • Set minimum qualifications

Employers should also set minimum qualifications when undertaking a job analysis. Apart from the basic qualifications identified in the job description, an organization may opt to include other preferred special qualifications that candidates who meet can apply for the position.

4. Define appropriate salaries

Defining the expected wages for a position is of utmost importance. When making a job description, the employer should ensure that the minimum requirements and responsibilities match the salary range offered.

With this said, a perfect job description should have the following characteristics;

  • Very specific
  • Personalized
  • Be in a conversational tone
  • Feature appropriate keywords
  • Have bullets and numbers to break the monotony
  • Roles and responsibilities should not be sugarcoated
  • Be in short texts
  • Provide as much details about the job as possible
5. Sourcing Talent

This second step in the recruitment process is where the organization informs the general public about the vacant position in the company, and that they are looking for a perfect candidate to fill the position. Before posting or advertising the vacant position, companies and organizations should be aware of the specific areas where they can find potential candidates. This will make it easy to direct their advertising efforts and get potential talents with ease.

Common methods that organizations should use when sourcing for talent include;

  • Networking

Also known as referrals, networking involves spreading the available vacant position through word of mouth. Networking is one of the best ways that organizations can leverage to advertise their vacant positions. Networking commonly applies within the company, either through members of the company, representatives attending a career fair or other methods.

Global software and tech companies looking to hire young, fresh and brilliant minds commonly use networking. To make this effective, such companies visit colleges and learning institutions where they target their top students. They can as well use their networks in the industry to find the highest possible talents.

  • Posting

Making a job posting is another common strategy that companies leverage to source talents. Posting can be done both within the company and externally. This is probably why applications received during the hiring process are from candidates within the company and outside. Below is a clear description of external and internal postings.

External posting

As the name suggests, this involves advertising about the vacant position outside the company. For this, you can decide to use flayers or post vacancy notices in various strategic locations. Businesses that have websites can post vacancy announcements through the websites. Those with job boards can use it for external announcements. Other external sources of recruitment include;

  • Company career website

Well-designed and mobile-friendly websites is another asset that companies can take advantage to advertise their vacant job position. The website can convey the company’s work culture, social profiles and integrate with ethics to attract top talents in the industry. It also makes it easier for candidates to apply for the vacant position. Most applicants who submit their applications through the career website understand the organization well.

  • Job portals

The use of the internet is on the surge, with job portals becoming a common hub for job seekers to find vacancies matching their talents. Job portals are important in connecting an organization with potential candidates. Posting your vacant position on job portals broadcasts to thousands of potential candidates with the right talents.

  • Advertisements

Advertisements helps an organization to attract more candidates to apply for the vacant position advertised. For this, organizations can either use digital or traditional means. Note that digital media are quite pricey and technological advancements may not favor your advertisement.

  • Social networking platforms

Social media platforms are another best place to advertise your vacant position. Companies can find potential recruits who are even more qualified than expected. Recruiters should try their luck in advertising on various social media channels, as it provides free access to millions of users, who could be potential candidates.

  • Job fairs

Job fairs are one-stop public events that advertise vacant positions available from various companies. Employers can use job fairs to access the large pool of talent that often show up for these fairs. Apart from advertising the vacant position, job fairs provide an opportunity for the company to increase brand awareness without incurring advertisement costs. You also get to network with other organizations present at the job fair.

  • Placement agencies

Placement agencies are a perfect alternative to fill hard-to-fill vacancies and positions that take a lot of time, effort and resources to find a perfect talent. Placement agencies use various techniques and tools to attract top talents who can fit your job description quickly.

  • Campus placements

This is another cheap method to find perfect candidates to join your organization. Campus placements provide an easy and quick way to find enthusiastic, energetic, interested and competent individuals who are looking for work. This alternative is best for those looking to recruit for entry-level positions.

  • Professional bodies

Several professional bodies that serve different professions are available. These institutes can help hiring managers to recruit the best talents available on the market. Since they are responsible for practice licensure, professional bodies have a complete database of fully trained and qualified personnel who are experienced in specific fields. They are the best place to tap highly skilled talents available on the market.

Benefits of using external postings
  • Spreads brand name to new people
  • Encourages job seekers to apply for new opportunities
  • Eliminates biasness between employees
  • Increases the scope of selecting the right candidate since there is a large number of applicants
Drawbacks of using external postings
  • The lengthy and tedious selection process
  • External candidates often demand more benefits and compensation
  • High recruitment costs
Internal Posting

Unlike external posting, internal posting involves announcing the vacancy through bulletin boards and other areas within the organization where employees and visitors can see with ease. Employers use this method of advertising if it has an effect on current employees, such as;

  • Promotions

Vacant positions can also be filled by promoting high-performing employees to senior roles in the company. The promoted employee will handle additional responsibilities and enjoy a salary increment. Companies who believe that current employees understand the right work ethics, operations and culture organizations more than bringing someone from outside use this tactic. Promotions are also used to motivate employees to perform better for possible future promotions as well.

  • Transfers

Hiring managers can decide to fill a vacant position in another department without changing the job position, salary or status of the employee. This happens when an employer transfers a job fit candidate within the company to another position. This means that the organization will not fill the vacant position by sourcing from external applicants.

  • Demotions

This is the direct opposite of promotions. Hiring managers have the legal mandate to promote and demote employees based on their performance. In demotions, the employer lowers the position of an employee. the demoted employee can then fill a vacant space in lower positions within the organization.

  • Retired employees

Hiring managers can consider calling back retired employees in specific situations. For instance, if there is an emergency situation that requires a critical project to be completed quickly, retired employees can be brought back in to fill the position for a specified period until the hiring managers find a suitable candidate to fill the position.

  • Previous applicants

This is another form of internal posting. Experts recommend that companies and organizations should keep all sent applications, including those of candidates who couldn’t be hired at that time. These files are an important database that can be referred to later. In some situations, you might conduct an interview and realize that you left out a lot of talent because you wanted a limited number of employees. You should prioritize the talents left out previously, especially if you are recruiting for the same position.

  • Using existing employees

You can encourage your current employees to create a buzz on social media to help hiring managers find the best talent quickly. An easier way to do this is to use an employee referral program where an employee receives some incentives for referring to suitable candidates. This helps in accelerating the recruitment process.

Pros of internal postings
  • Enables a quick, easy, simple and cost-effective hiring
  • Increases employee loyalty
  • Eliminates the need for training and induction
  • Increases motivation among employees
Cons of internal postings
  • Prevents the hiring of potential candidates who could have brought new ideas to the organization
  • Has a limited scope of hiring and all vacant positions cannot be filled
  • Promotions may bring issues among employees
  • Demoted employees may lose motivation
  • A promoted, transferred or demoted employee leaves a vacant position
  • Media Advertising

This is among the recent methods of sourcing for talents. Media advertising includes the use of TV, radio, newspapers and social media channels. Most companies who want to make immediate hires advertise the vacant positions through newspapers provide requirements and qualifications needed for the position. They also provide direct contact details of where and when the applications should be submitted.

  • Company Reputation

Organizations with good publicity can take advantage of this to find talents for their vacant positions. For instance, if an organization is known for being among the best employers, they can capitalize on this and advertise for open positions with ease.

  1. Screening the Applications
Photo credits – webmechanix.com

Screening the applicants is undoubtedly the most involving and tedious stage during the recruitment process. Employers always have a lot to do during this third stage. They will have to screen every potential applicants’ skills, personality, integrity, emotional intelligence and more. To make this process relatively easier, hiring managers can use the various pre-employment tests to find the best candidate. The tests are given to job applicants to confirm if they are the right fit for the job. There are several stages involved during this step, including;

Preliminary testing

This step is essential for organizations that receive thousands of applications. They help the hiring managers remain with serious applicants for further vetting. As usual, hiring managers have to interview all the candidates to find the best. However, interviewing all the candidates is close to impossible for organizations that receive many applications. It is not only tedious but also impractical, especially if there is an urgent need to fill in the vacant position.

Preliminary testing helps hiring managers shorten the list of candidates who had submitted their applications. This typically involves checking the resumes, sorting those that meet the minimum qualifications against those that don’t. This leaves hiring managers with a shorter and easy to manage lists of candidates who can be interviewed one by one.

First interview

The main purpose of the first interview is to pass information from the potential candidate to the hiring manager. These interviews can be structured, unstructured, formal or informal. Other forms include;

Structured interviews – are designed and planned in advance. They are accurate and consistent with the job requirements. They are mostly used in recruiting candidates in entry-level positions.

Unstructured interviews – are unplanned interviews where the questionnaire to be used is not designed in advance. They are flexible interviews, and the hiring managers can ask questions depending on the response of the candidate. Due to this, they may not be effective, and there is a lot of tendencies to waste time on unimportant discussions. They are commonly used for recruiting senior positions in an organization.

Depth interviews – are more or less like unstructured interviews. Here, candidates are required to provide specific details about their work experience, educational background and special interests. Hiring managers can then take an in-depth examination to determine the candidate best fit.

Individual interviews – these are one-on-one interviews that involve visual and verbal interaction between the hiring manager and applicant. Being a two-way dialogue, it is the best way to find the right candidate to fill the vacant position.

Group interviews – as the name suggests, are for groups. In such situations, all the candidates are interviewed together to save time. They are best in situations with large volumes of applications, but few vacancies are available. The hiring manager gives the candidates a topic to discuss and then evaluate the behaviors of individuals in the group.

Formal interviews – these are official interviews and done in an interview setting where candidates are informed in advance. Like structured interviews, the interviewer plans and prepares the questions to be asked during the session. They are also called planned interviews.

Informal interviews – they are the opposite of formal interviews. They are conducted in any place with no specific order or procedure. These interviews are conducted in friendly modes and help hiring managers learn more about the candidates’ personality.

Stress interviews – stress interviews, as the name suggests, are conducted to identify the behavior of potential candidates during stressful circumstances. The hiring manager tries to elicit if the candidate can handle stressful conditions and complex responsibilities if hired for the position. Candidates who show diligence and composure are employed.

Exit interviews – they are interviews conducted on employees who want to leave or exit the company. They give employers insights as to why the employee is resigning or quitting their position.

Panel interview – panel interviews are conducted by several people. During the interview, all the members take part in asking questions on different aspects, and the panel determines the final decision. These interviews are mostly used by organizations looking to fill senior positions that require competent and experienced candidate.

How to Prepare for an Effective Interview

Hiring managers should consider the following five Ps when preparing for an interview.

  • Prepare – if is the first step when preparing for an interview. Before the session, the hiring manager takes sufficient time to understand the specific job description. The interviewer should also read the candidates’ cover letter and resume to learn their qualities before starting the interview.
  • Purpose – it is important to understand the purpose of the interview. Without this, the interviewer will not conduct an effective interview. Interviewers should portray the company as the best place to work for, thus helps in hiring the best candidate.
  • Performance – hiring managers should evaluate the skills, knowledge and attributes of the candidate after the interview session. This will help in hiring a high performing candidate who will provide the organization with the much-needed technical skills.
  • People skills – an interview presents a perfect opportunity for the hiring manager to uncover the hidden talents, skills and qualities of the candidate during the interview. This is because nearly all candidates who come for interview are not transparent about their personality and behavior. Employing candidates with the right potential will steer the organization forward and improve performance.
  • Process – this is the last and most important P when preparing for an interview. Hiring managers should follow the layout of the structured interview for better results. Following such layouts eliminates the possibility of bias by giving all candidates the same platform to express themselves.
Conduct Tests and Final Interview

Conducting tests is the most important stage in the recruitment process, as it will enable hiring managers to identify the real qualities of the selected applicants. The tests will enable hiring managers to find the most talented candidate who can then proceed to the last interview. The final interview should be done face-to-face between hiring managers and potential candidates. Top management can also be involved depending on the job position to be filled.

Photo Credit: thepitcher.org
  1. Selection Process

After the tests and final interview, hiring managers and other members involved in the recruitment process settle down to make a selection from the pool of applicants. The key considerations that are looked into include;

  • Qualifications of the candidates who reached the final interview session
  • Results from assessment analytics done

If a unanimous decision is reached despite the varied opinions from various members of the panel, the majority prevails. However, if the decision is not conclusive, the panel can consider restarting the process until the find a suitable candidate that every member is satisfied with. Apart from the qualifications and results from tests, the panel can consider reference checks and medical exams to determine the right candidate.

       2. Job Offer

If the panel makes a decision, the organization then proceeds and makes an offer to the lucky candidate. As part of the formal procedure, one of the panel members should inform the candidate about the selection. The applicant is also made aware of the details of the compensation package, after which he/she can accept or reject the offer. If the selected applicant rejects the offer, the recruitment process starts again from the first step. When making a job offer, remember the following;

  • Issue the letter of offer as soonest possible.
  • Give the selected candidate a call to inform them of the selection and offer.
  • Give the candidate a deadline to think about the offer
  • Maintain communication with the selected candidate until he/she reports for duty.
  1. Induction of the New Employee

A job candidate graduates from an applicant to an employee once he/she accepts the offer. The next step is introducing the employee to other members of the team, whom they will be working together. The first thing during induction is the signing of the contract, which is often accompanied by a welcome package. The employee is also informed of the day that they are supposed to report to work.

The following activities take place during induction;

  • Documentation – the human resource manager collects ID, educational certificates, relieving letters, proof of address and other documents from the employee.
  • Verification – documents from former employers of the selected candidates are collected for verification and reference.
  • Contacting the candidate – the hiring managers contact the employee through mails, messages and calls to build a relationship.
  • Resignation from the previous job – once the candidate is issued with an offer letter, they should resign from their previous job and provide a copy of their resignation letter.
Recruitment Process Best Practices

For a seamless recruitment process, hiring managers should observe the following best practices;

  1. Plan and follow a recruitment process

Regardless of how detailed and planned the recruitment process is, it will only become successful if it is followed. Hiring managers should equate recruitment to a form of business, only that instead of products and services, the job vacancy is being sold. That said, an employer should consider the following tips to ensure that the planned recruitment process becomes a success.

2. Employ the services of skilled recruiters

If your organization has a human resource department, ensure that they find the best team to conduct the exercise. The team selected should have sufficient skills and knowledge to carry our recruitment. That aside, the hiring managers should undergo several training to develop insights on how to identify great talents during the recruitment process.

Establish a good relationship between recruitment experts and hiring managers – if your company uses the services of recruiting consultants, ensure that you develop good relationships with them. The outcome of a concrete relationship is that it motivates them to conduct the recruitment process effectively to get the best talents possible.

3. Develop your employer brand

As mentioned before, job seekers will prefer sending their applications to companies with good goodwill image. Therefore, having a good employer branding is essential when it comes to marketing your vacancy to job seekers. Candidates always know your branding before they become interested in the open position.

If your organization has been associated with bad working conditions or several complaints from employees, potential applicants will already have a negative attitude before sending their applications. Some may ignore your advert completely. Brands with a bad reputation not only struggle to retain already hired employees but also suffer when it comes to attracting the best talent.

4. Prepare attractive job postings

You should prepare both attractive and innovative job postings that can attract the best talent. The current marketing space is full of job postings, and you should make yours stand out from the rest. You should also take advantage of the various available job portals to get to many candidates as possible. Portals such as SmartRecruiters, SimplyHired and SplashFind have thousands of detailed lists in the job boards. To make your advert stand out, use catchy descriptions, make a unique post and use other figurative styles.

5. Hire through social media

Ever since its inception, social media platforms not only provide for social interactions but also a beneficial platform to source talents. Recruiters looking to hire the best talents from a wide pool of talents should consider increasing their brand awareness in all platforms to attract more candidates. This is practical, based on various metrics. For instance, Instagram analytics show that more than 75 percent of accounts in Instagram follow various businesses on Instagram.

That aside, Facebook remains the largest social media platform with billions of daily users. The number of users is significant as you will be able to access a plethora of potential candidates from the channel. Simply put, when searching for talents on social media platforms, the more diversified and engaged you are, the better.

LinkedIn is another employment-oriented platform, making is a must-join social media platform. The platform, like other social media channels, provides access to a wide array of talents. Organizations who have used this platform attest that it is through LinkedIn that you can find many passive job seekers than any other platform. Besides being a referral-friendly platform, the database used in LinkedIn is verified and quality. You can easily search various profiles of potential candidates and compare.

Tweetdeck makes twitter a good platform to search for talents as well. According to recent statistics, more than 58 percent of job seekers use this platform to find potentially available vacancies. This research confirms that Twitter has more number of job seekers than LinkedIn. Using the Tweetdeck tool, organizations can discover talents, start conversations with ease, and amplify the company through hashtags, twitter handles and videos.

6. Practice collaborative hiring

Collaborative hiring, as the name suggests, involves using more than one team or department in an organization to work together with the hiring managers during the recruitment process. This style of hiring has a significant positive effect on the quality of new employees being brought on board. The teams involved will share the roles in the recruitment process, and every team is encouraged to do their best to ensure that the best candidate is hired at the end of the recruitment process.

7. Focus on candidate’s experience

With modern technology, it is very easy for candidates to announce any form of ill-treatment, biased recruitment process or any other negative observation during the recruitment process. Note that such situations later affect your organizations’ ability to attract better talents if you have vacancies. The labor market is also becoming increasingly tough, making it necessary for companies to focus on candidates’ experience. The experience brought onboard by specific candidates often translates to better productivity.

8. Leverage referrals

Whereas you shouldn’t use referrals as the mainstay source of talent, they sometimes prove beneficial in several ways. One way in which referrals are important is that they improve your organizations’ brand. For sure, there is no better way for a company to market its employing capacity other than using its employees. Once employees talk about your company out there, many people will definitely have a positive image of it.

Referrals also improve the quality of hire. There are high chances that your employee will refer candidates with high qualities and abilities that can match what is required by your company. By referring a potential candidate, employees already know what the candidate can offer.

Thirdly, referrals boost engagement. If you encourage your employees to refer their friends who can fill the company’s vacant position, they will feel valued and trusted to participate in the organizations’ growth. Additionally, they will feel a sense of accomplishment if their preferred candidate is employed. The referred employee will also feel engaged from the first day, trying their best to prove that they were not hired mistakenly.

9. Apply smart sourcing tools

Companies inevitably incur huge expenses when looking to acquire talents, especially when looking to fill vacant positions for top candidates. However, deploying smart technologies can help organizations cut down on these expenses. Using these technologies also makes small businesses competitive in the recruitment process.

Established companies certainly have more resources to use during the recruitment process and will likely have access to more and advanced tools compared to small companies. This increases their chances of attracting potential candidates. However, with the advent and use of smart technologies, even small companies and startups have the ability to attract top talents as well.

Building own talent pool and job board for recruitment instead of depending on third-party databases, for instance, is a smart sourcing technology. Using social networks and social media during recruitment is another smart sourcing tool that all hiring managers should leverage.

10. Practice campus recruiting

Campus and tertiary learning institutions are the best place an organization can source dynamic and energetic talents. Job seekers employed through campus recruiting show full enthusiasm to work and can perfectly fit entry-level jobs. To make successful campus recruitment, you should collaborate with well-known and established colleges, universities and other institutes of higher learning to join their placement cells.

A good way to start doing this is ensuring that your organization is featured in the campus newspapers, conducting seminars and workshops in the university, sponsoring events such as cultural festivals, inviting students to your company tour and offering internship opportunities. High-end companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Facebook have demonstrated the effectiveness of using this best practice.

Factors Influencing Recruitment

The recruitment process is influenced by several factors. The factors can be either internal or external.

  • External Factors

External conditions are factors that are not within the company’s control. They include;

  • Labor market

The situation of the employment condition affects every organizations’ recruitment efforts. If there are large numbers of prospective talents or manpower when an organization is recruiting, the company will definitely attract more applications.

  • Supply and demand

This refers to the availability of skilled manpower within and outside the organization. This is important in every recruitment process for several reasons. For instance, a company seeking professionals, whereas there is a limited supply of individuals with such skills may end up not finding the right talent. In such cases, the company might end up depending on internal sources, which include giving special training to already hired employees.

  • Competitors

Recruitment policies placed by competitors can significantly affect the recruitment process as well. Organizations may be forced to change their processes to stay on the same line with competitors in the market. Without doing this, the competitors may outperform your company during recruitment.

  • Political environment

The government of the day also has a significant impact on the recruitment process. Trade unions, for instance, provide detailed rules as to how the recruitment process should be conducted. In some situations, this restricts an organization from choosing their best possible talent.

  • Prevailing employment conditions

It is impossible to compare the employment conditions between developed and underdeveloped countries. So to say, companies and businesses in underdeveloped countries experience many difficulties when searching for candidates with necessary talents.

  • The reputation of the organization

The image of a company is another external factor that affects the recruitment process. Companies with a positive reputation, for instance, will find it easier to advertise and recruit talent and also retain their employees compared to lesser-known companies. Just to mention, a company’s image is determined by what the company does, managerial actions such as public relations and more.

  • Internal Factors

Internal factors are also called endogenous factors and compound issues that are controlled by the organization. These are factors that are within the organization and affect recruiting personnel. Among them include;

  • Size of organization

Large and established organizations have high regular demands for employees, meaning that they tend to look for more people during recruitment. On the other hand, small businesses and startups that are starting off their operations will require a relatively small number of staff. Comparing the two, small companies will have not only a simpler but also straightforward recruiting process. Big companies often engage in the lengthy and complex recruitment process where most members of the human resource departments are involved.

  • Working conditions

Workplace conditions is another internal factor that affects the recruitment process. Employees are constantly looking for good working conditions where they can work satisfactorily. Organizations should as well strive to set up good working conditions to attract new talents. Most talented candidates will always consider the organizations’ working conditions before applying or accepting an offer.

  • Costs involved in the recruitment

The entire recruitment process requires an organization to incur some costs. This is why most companies try to use recruitment processes that will be less costly as possible. Huge companies incur high costs due to the large volumes of applications received, unlike small companies.

  • Salary structure

The structure of salary is another crucial internal factor affecting recruitment. A company that is known to provide the best working conditions including better salaries and wages will definitely have more applicants compared to stingy or up-and-coming companies who cannot afford good working conditions and hefty salaries for their employees. The best companies attract more and high-quality talent, unlike low-level companies. Similarly, they will likely retain employees for long since hired employees would like to stay for long due to the favorable conditions.

  • The growth rate of the company

A fast-growing company will always need employees nearly every time. On the other hand, companies with stunted or slow growth will only employ when necessary or when a vacant position is available.

The Bottom Line

Evidently, there are several benefits of conducting an effective recruitment process when looking to fill our vacant positions in your organization. If you were finding this to be difficult, the guide above outlines all the essential insights and strategies that can help organizations conduct a good recruitment process to get the best talent.

Besides, companies looking to reduce the possibility of making bad hires should incorporate the use of various pre-employment tests during recruitment. You can source these tests from various pre-employment testing companies.

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Pre Employment Test Types to Test Your Job Candidates